
top songs in spotlight..

1. Taking Back Sunday - Cute without the E (cut from the team)
There is just something about this song that makes me want to grab my hair brush and sing along. Catchy Chorus.

2. Avenged Sevenfold- Bat Country. I saw the video for this song on TRL (Total Request Live) and fell in love. It has that spooky shadowing of the leadsingers voice. Which means it is a must listen for me!

3.Boys Like Girls- Up Against The Wall. This song is pretty sad because of the circumstances the lead singer is singing about between himself and= the guy/chick he is singing about.

4. Fall Out Boy- The Patron of Liars and Saints- This has to be by far my favorite FOB song. It is soooo real, and not to mention it's not too overplayed like the rest of their stuff.

5. Marty Casey-Trees. Marty was a contest on Rockstar Inxs and this was one of the songs he wrote himself for the competion . I love it!!!


1 comment:

«‹•H.J.K@Y@N!™•›» said...

Nice blog
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